Thursday, September 29, 2011

"Warmest of Wishes"

I have been crazy busy this week!  On Saturday we're going to have a much needed yard sale, and I mentioned to a friend that I am going to be getting rid of some of my old stamps, and whatever other little goodies I just don't have room for, and she suggested that I also sell some cards.  I didn't think much of it until the last couple of days and I thought, well, what the heck, what can it hurt to see if anyone wants to buy anything I have made.  So...long story short.  I have decided that I would also make a few extra goodies to sell and see what happens. 

Here is one of the goodies I am working on.  I have seen these several places, and all of the tutorials I have seen were really good, but I had to say that my favorite came from The stamp doc.  I googled ideas and found her on You tube, and of course had to follow her to her blog.  Amazing!!

Now for the inside...
I included a really cute poem that I found while looking around titled, "All I Need to Know About Life I learned From Shopping."  I don't know who the author is, but I loved it, and thought it would go well on the inside cover.  My favorite line on the poem, "There's no such thing as compulsive shopping, just enthusiastic shopping."

I'd love to know what you think, and if you have any ideas how much to sell them for, I'd sure like some ideas.  Thanks ladies!!

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