Friday, June 14, 2013

Reduce, reuse recycle...

I am having too much fun decorating my home and recycling as I do it. A while back I covered one of our moving boxes with an old curtain that I had laying around, and LOVED how it turned out.  I just didn't love how much work and time it took me.  (Here's the box).

I didn't think much of it again until just recently when a good friend of mine was looking for a particular sized box.  (I just happened to have that particular sized box) and she came over to pick it up.  I asked her what she needed it for and she told me it was the perfect size box to fit in our mud room cubby's.  So that of course got me thinking that I would love to have a cute box to hold all of my kids dang shoes in and have that mud room look nice.  Finally tonight, I got my boxes, and started on my project.

I first took my boxes and painted them both black.   (Here's just one of the boxes on it's side painted.)
I experimented with a punch I had and made a template and then painted the template onto my box.  Here's what it looked like.

  I didn't like it at all!  My oldest on the other hand loved it.  I thought since it's gonna be her shoe box holder I would let her have it the way she liked it and I quickly moved onto my next box.  I found some paper that I really like from the Black Currant Stack, and I cut it into strips.  I then used modge podge to glue the paper to the box.  (I LOVE that stuff!)  Here's how my second box turned out.

LOVED IT!  Once my oldest saw how cute this one turned out she decided that I could change the box after all.  So I decided that I would use the same paper stack and cut another paper into strips and just glue them on top of what I had already done.  It turned out really nice too!
Doesn't that look so much better than my first attempt?  Now here's how they look put in there cubby's with shoes in them.
Doesn't that look fabulous!  Before they just had their shoe's thrown into the cubby's and it just looked like a hot mess!  Complete Chaos!  Love how this turned out!  SO simple and fun to do.

Come on back soon, I have several more projects that I have finished and just haven't had time to post here yet.  Including a couple of birthday cards I've made, and the presents to go with them.  (Those I'm purposely waiting to post till I give them away tomorrow.)  I do have some fun projects I've finished though that I 'd love to show.  Have a great day!

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