Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Time is going by too fast...

Wow, the day's are just flying by.  I made a goal to stay up to date with my blog and already I'm failing miserably!

Let's see, I've opened up my own Etsy store.  You can find me at at taking a break, just click on the highlighted link.  I love creating and have so many things I would like to post, with life being so crazy for every one I thought it would be easier to have my own Etsy store, though we've still got  So stop on by either store and see what we've got going on.  The taking a break store I plan on adding a lot more paper crafts, so if there's some thing you've seen on my blog, odds are I'll have it at my Etsy store.  Next, I've got several post to catch up on, so I'll start catching up on that now.

First, in December I helped in my son's 4th grade classroom Christmas party.  My job was to come up with a craft, and bring all of the supplies and do a craft with them.  I was a little overwhelmed trying to brain storm ideas that would be simple enough for 30 + 9 year old's to do, but fun too.  I thought about making min marshmallow snowflakes, and my son thought that would be a blast.  Then a friend of mine showed me these crazy cute snowman she had made, and whalla.  We had a craft.  They were so simple to make and all of the kids loved making them.  It was definitely a hit at my son's party.

Aren't those the cutest snowman you've ever seen?!  Here's how you make them, super simple.  You'll need socks, ( I bought men's large socks.)  rice, fabric for the scarf, tooth picks for the nose, rubber bands,(3 per snowman) and any other accessories you would like to add.  (buttons, eyes, gems, ribbon, etc.) On one I added googly eyes, and the others I used a permanent black marker to add eyes, and mouth.

Take a sock, and fill the bottom 1/3 with rice.  Then you tie it off with a rubber band, and do the next level the same way, tie it off, and then the 3rd level.  Leave a little bit of sock so that when you tie the rubber band, you can fold some of the sock over and make a hat.  You can tie a ribbon around the top of the hat to decorate it a bit more.  Now, it's time to decorate your snowman.  Simple, simple simple.  One thing I did do was hot glue my hat down, and added a dab of hot glue in between each layer to keep it from wobbling.  Add some hot glue to the end of a tooth pick, (break it in half) and hot glue it right where the nose should go.  Seriously, a simple, fun, cute, project.  Anyone can do it.

These made really cute Christmas decorations.  Next year we plan on making a ton to share with our family.  These also would make really cute neighbor gifts, (we did get one as a gift.), and a fun project to do with your kids, grand-kids, or at a school party.  Really cute and simple!

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